This little gadget, one of my many, has been waiting patiently to be put to use. Oh my, it did the trick for me while stitching on a
WIP. I carried
BBD's Winter
Wonderland to the hospital with me this last week. My Mighty Bright allowed me to stitch late into the night. When I needed the extra magnification for tired eye stitching it was at hand, as was the extra little bit of light. Needless to say, this is one stitching gadget that will go on my bus trips with me.
" I am in no way employed by the Mighty Bright corporation, this is my personal endorsement." LOL!!
My sister and I brought Mother home from the hospital yesterday after a horrible night. If you ever hear
Miralax and recovering 90 year old surgery patient in the same sentence, then run, don't walk, to the nearest complaint station. Awful, awful situation for both the patient and relatives staying with her.
My youngest sister made some out-a-site chicken noodle soup last night thinking it would be good for Mother. Then we re-read the discharge papers. Clear liquid diet. So, making my second trip to the dreaded WM, I purchase clear liquid diet meal ingredients.
Needless to say, there is no place like home. I slept quite well in my humble and somewhat
cluttered surroundings. Sister reported Mother was up early this morning getting ready to take her
The weather is cool and dreary today in my part of Oklahoma. Who's complaining?, certainly not this
stitcher. What more could I ask for? a great stitching day and a hot bowl of home-made chicken soup for lunch. Well, if I could throw in a good college football game....Yeah.
Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are.