Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More Ornaments

 Merry Christmas one and all.  Pictured first are two versions of primitivebettys latest freebies.  I still have one more to stitch...for me! The ornie with the wire has the star and holly berries stitched with beads.  Both were given as gifts to two ladies in my church.

The last two are freebies from  I have stitched freebies from this blog before and really like them.  The three wise men ornament was stitched for another lady in my church.  The Christmas Tree?  I totally cannot remember who I stitched it for.  Pretty bad isn't it? It's a mystery that
probably will not be solved!!  Well, the mystery has been solved.  I took the tree to my soroity Christmas Party as part of an ornament exchange.  Yea!.  Have a great Christmas week.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Exchange received and ornaments sent

Here's the ornament that Jayne sent for the HoE Stitcher's Exchange.  I stitched this design and the companion doggie one for volunteers at the Humane Society several years ago.  Never got around to stitching one for myself.  Now I don't have to worry about it.  Jayne also sent some chocolates in the package.  I took them to work and put them in the candy bowl on my desk.  They will disappear quickly.  With my diabetes, I just can't have many sweets.  Thank you Jayne for the Brittercup kitty.  I love it.
These are the ornaments I stitched for my great-nephew and nieces this year.  I just love the kitty design.  It is a freebie from Lynn B @  I am working on one for myself right now!! Thanks Lynn for sharing this great design.  The reindeer is a freebie from  There are several designs there and I've stitched several of them also.

It's about time for football, so will sign out.  Have a great week everyone.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Gifts and Exchanges

 This is the exchange piece I sent to Dawn as part of the HoE Stitcher's Choice exchange.  I totally forgot to take a snap of the goodies I sent.  Dawn has a great photo of them on her blog.

 Julianne and I have been exchanging for quite some time now. I decided to do a double sided ornament for her.  Seems like I do these alot . They are from a Prairie Schooler leaflet.
 This is what she sent me.  I love it.  Julianne does such great stitching.
 Now you ask what the heck is a Halloween piece doing in Christmas ornaments. My good friend stitched it for my birthday.  I've been so lazy about blogging, that I'm just now getting around to posting.  Not only is it a great stitched piece, but MAA as I call her has moved back to my town.  So now I get to stitch and visit with her more often.
 My cousin and his wife lives in Alaska, so I stitched this ornament for their tree.  It's a oldie design, but I like it.  So far they have not received it.
This little ornie is for my friend Karen who has a cat.  He's Moose, and is a yellow tabbie.  I didn't want to change the color so I went ahead and stitched it as was charted.  Karen received it today.  She moved to Kansas a few years ago.  She said she was unpacking the tub of all the ornaments I had stitched for her.  I'm sure I have photos of them.  Good thing, because I can't remember what all I stitched!!

There's a few a few more ornaments stitched, but not finished.  I better get busy, because most of them need to be put into the mail.  I'll post them when I get finished.

Oh yes, it finally turned cold.  Now I want the warm weather back.  Never satisfied.  Have a warm and cozy evening.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Birthday Goodies

My stitching friend from southern Oklahoma stitched this card for my birthday.  Since it is so close to Halloween, I love getting anything related to the holiday for my birthday.  Thanks Mary Ann, I love it.

Wendy Jo was my partner in the Friends Through Threads group. She really showered me with some great gifts.  Don't you just love the verse on the pillow. Thank you Wendy Jo.  You made my day!

Speaking of birthday's this one was a biggie.  I am officially on Medicare.  Nothing else needs to be said.

I woke up this morning...yeah!...with kinks in my back, neck, knee, and hand.  That's how I know I'm still kickin'! 

Hope you have a great day!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Win a Gift Certificate,for The Motto Shoppe, enter now!

Pop on over to Victorian Motto and enter her fabulous giveaway.  Drawing will be on the 15th of November.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tobiecat's Ornament

I finished this little ornament this morning.  It was in the JCS Halloween issue and is a JBW design.  The 28ct Fabric was in my stash and used DMC black.  I call it Tobiecat's ornament for my cat Tobie.  It worked up very fast.  I really enjoy using the eyelash yarn as a trim. 

Still stitching on BBD's Halloween Eve.  I'll put it up in a few days and switch to something else, but for now it is an easy stitch.

I finally broke down and had the A/C-Heat Tech come service my heater for cool weather.  I put it off as long as I could.  The A/C is still running in my house, but wanted to be ready...just in case it turns cool.

Have a good day.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Exchange from Julianne

Julianne and I have been exchanging Halloween/autumn pieces for a few years now.  This is what I received from her this week.  She always chooses such great designs to stitch from Prairie Schooler.  Don't you just love this one?  I certainly do.  Thank you so much,

Julianne.  I put mine in the mail to her Saturday but forgot to take a photo.

I have been stitching a little this week.  I'm working on  Blackbird Designs Halloween Eve.  I won't get it finished by the 31st, but it is an easy design to work with.  Easy is good!

Have a great stitching week.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

HoE Hometown ornament received and sent

I received the Vermont ornmament from Marie P last week.  Marie and I have been exchange partners before.  As a matter of fact, she was one of the first partners I ever stitched for.  In her package I included a package of Community Coffee.  She became an instant fan of it.  There are a couple of stores in Tulsa now that carries it, so I don't have to order it anymore.  But I digress.  The ornament is a Victoria Sampler Hearts of America design.  It's beautifully finished and has my favorite color in it too!!  Thank you Marie.  I love it.

Here.s the ornament I stitched for my partner Lynn W.  It's a very old design I've had in my stash for years from Mulberry Tree  Graphics.  Lynn and I knew it was bound to happen that one of us would be a partner in a HoE stitching exchange.  We are stitching buddies and live in the same town, so I personalized the ornament and change Oklahoma to Okmulgee.  I used the DMC called for threads and stitched on an opalescent mystery fabric from my stash.  I used wire as the ornament hanger.  I believe Lynn was pleased.

The weather has finally turned cool in OK.  I was in northern OK this weekend and had to scrape a very heavy frost from my windshield.  Fall is definitely in the air!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day trip to OKc

  We visited the Banjo Museum.  There are over 350 of them on display.  Here I am with just one of the displays.  If you are ever in Oklahoma City, I recommend this museum for sure.  Some of the backs are works of art.  I will post more of them later.

Something I've wanted to do is try the Segway.  At the Oklahoma Science Museum, I had the chance.  It took me a while to find the right balance area, but one I did, off I went!!  This museum is geared toward children, but aren't we all children?

I also was able to work on a small design on the bus.  Can't show it to you just yet because it's a gift.  Yes, I can stitch on the bus.  Trying to decide what design I'm going to take with me on the Colorado trip later this month.

Well, chili and veggie soup are in crockpots a cookin', football will be on the air in about 30 minutes, so I've got to get my tv chair ready for some FOOTBALL!!!   Hopefully the OK State Pokes will bounce back this week.  GO POKES!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

HoE Home state/town Christmas ornament

It was bound to happen.  When two stitching buddies belong to the same Exchange group, one of would get the others name to stitch for.  I got the draw this time.  Lynn was my partner.  I knew the design I was going to stitch even before I had my partners name.  It is an old design I've had for years and with some time between projects I went ahead and started on the ornament.  I was almost finished when I received her name. Decided to change Oklahoma to Okmulgee.  It's a little hard to decifer Okmulgee in the photo but I think it's clear enough for Lynn to read. 
I used the called for DMC threads and stitched it on a 28ct opalescent fabric, one of my favorites, and Lynn's too, so I belive I "did good."  You can't see it real well, but I trimmed the bow in gold thread.  Then added some more gold by trimming the ornament with gold beads and used gold wire as the hanger.  I may have to stitch one for myself!
Have a great week.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Here's my little ornament designed by Daffycat.  I wish the neon green fabric showed up better.  Had alot of fun stitching this one.  Thanks Daffy for sharing it with us.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Quaker Garden, Winter Wonderland and 2011 Prairie Schooler


Here are my latest framed pieces.  I am not a good photographer, so hopefully you get the idea of what they look like. I have no adequate area in my abode to take photos, so I do the best I can.  Hope you enjoy them. 

I give up, I cannot make them look centered in Blogger. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

A little gift for my sorority secret sister

This is one of the stitching related gifts I gave my sorority secret sister for reveal night.  I believe she liked it.  I also gave her some stitching pouches from Blue Ribbon designs.  It was nice that she's a stitcher also.  She's my good friend, stitching buddy, and walking coach, Lynn. The design is a freebie from The Primitive Hare. 

Tomorrow Lynn and I are going to run to Tulsa to pick up my framed Quaker Garden.  I'm anxious to see how it turned out.  I will post it, and two other pieces I recently had framed in the next couple of days.

We are getting some of the effects of Isaac today.  Nothing major, just a few sprinkles and an over cast day.  Perfect for stitching.  Guess I'd better get busy just a few minutes before I head off to the office. 

Have a great weekend.  Hey, I forgot to mention, college football has begun!  Yea, GO OSU POKES!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A finish and product review

I finished the stitching on Blackbird Designs "Quaker Garden" earlier this month.  It was a fun stitch and I can't wait to get it framed.
I really crumple my fabric while I stitch.  So when I take it into the framer, I suffer a bit of embarrassment from the condition it it in.
Now, when Kathy and Beatrice from Canada came through Tulsa on their drive home to Canada we met up for a trip to the Silver Needle and lunch.
But before lunch we stopped a nice quilt shop around the corner from TSN.  The girls alerted me to this product, and does it ever work!  I used it on QG and you can see the difference it made.  I highly recommend it.
We are in store for another blistering hot day.  I plan to stay in all day and do some stitching.  Hope everyone has a good, cool day...INDOORS.  Of course, if I were back in Alaska, I'd probably need a light jacket.  Hmm, maybe I should think about summer living up there.

Friday, July 27, 2012

HoE BBD exchange from Carol

I received this little beauty yesterday from CAROL.  It is "Peace" from the JCS 2009 ornament issue.  She used 32ct Antique Almond Belfast and the called for flosses.  It is so small and dainty.  I love it. 
On another note, we received a nice little rain shower last night.  It's been so long since we've had rain.  The grass and flowers had all but given up.  They will probably be green today, at least the grass will. The only down side is the humidity will most likely be unbearable today.

It's the last day of VBS at church.  I do the registration, record keeping, etc.  My days of working with the children are over.  I find I do not have the patience to do so!

Hope everyone has a great stitching weekend.

Friday, July 20, 2012

HoE Blackbird Designs Exchange for Lisa S.

Lisa e-mailed me to say she had received her exchange piece for the HoE Blackbird Designs ornament round.  She says she likes it and I'm happy that she does.  I chose House on Holly Hill from the book Peppermint and Holly.  It's stitched on 28ct Vintage Smoky White Cashel.  I used a combination of WDW and DMC threads. I am pleased with how it turned out.  So, here it is....

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

HoE exchanges and a birthday gift

I stitched this ornament for Janet
on the HoE Christmas bird exchange.  It's from a JCS ornament issue and the title is Twitter Blue.  I changed the color to green and used a skein of floss I had in my stash.  I do not know the name of it.  Somehow it, along with my JCS issue got lost in the house!  I stitched it on a 28ct opalescent linen.  I really like this design and have stitched it many times.  I finished the ornament after my Alaska trip and must admit, my heart wasn't in it.  Hopefully Janet will excuse my lazy effort at finishing. 

 Lisa S was my stitching partner for the HoE Christmas bird exchange.  This is what she stitched for me.  The description she included has also gone missing.  I do remember that she switched out the white fiber called for and that I believe it is a LHN design from a JCS issue. I am very certain that I love the ornament.  Lisa and I have been partners many times.  I always know I'm getting a great stitched piece when I see her name on the return address.

 Last month was my stitchin' bud, bestest friend, sorority sister, Lynn's 
birthday.  I decided to stitch the freebie, Sister Stitcher for her from The Primitive Hare.  I trimmed it in chenille.  It was my first time using this trim and find it very forgiving.  I love using it.  I believe Lynn was happy with the giftie.

I've been stitching on my HoE Blackbird Designs ornament.  I put the last stitch in tonight and will try and get it mailed tomorrow.  I don't want to be late with this exchange.  I love the way it turned out and hope my partner does too.

Guess that is all I have for tonight.  Sounds as if we are in for triple digit heat tomorrow.  Have a great evening and weekend.

Monday, June 25, 2012

A great morning

I checked my e-mail last night and had one from Beatrice.  She and Kathy were in Tulsa, which is 40 minutes of Okmulgee! They wanted me to meet them at the Silver Needle this morning.  How could I not go?  These two ladies were   some first exchange partners I ever had.  Having read their blogs since 2007, I felt like I knew them already.  They shopped and I supported.  After their pocketbooks were lightened just a little we went to lunch.  They are delightful ladies.  I had a blast talking with them.  Here we  are at the Silver Needle. Oh yes, for those of you who don't know their stitching, they are from Canada and were on a road trip.  They had been in southern Texas and were making their way back home.  Maybe one day we can take a trip together.  From left to right, Beatrice, Moi, and Kathy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

HoE Christmas Bird from Lisa S.

Whee, it's been so long since I posted that Blogger has a whole new look!  I'm having to learn how to use it all over.

Yesterday the mailman brought my HoE Christmas bird exchange piece.  It is from my ole stitchin' pal Lisa.  We've exchanged many pieces over the years.  She decided to change designers on me.  Usually she stitches a Prairie Schooler, but this time she chose LHN's Quaker Birds.  "She did good", as we say here in Oklahoma.  I love the trim on it.  Thanks Lisa!!
I've been in such a funk since my trip, that I've just put the finishing touches on my exchange piece.  It will go in the mail tomorrow.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Room!!!

As is my usual routine, I've been cleaning before the next big trip. It's in May. Today my friend came over and we tackled the ROOM!  Thank goodness my church is having a garage sale in June.  I have someplace to take the "goodies" I no longer want or need!  We're pooped.  Gee, wouldn't want to do it all in one day.  What would I have to look forward to? LOL!  Just look what we cleared out today.  That doesn't even begin to make a dent!! I'm ashamed of myself.  My friend said to me that I could not buy anymore "treasures" after I'm finished with cleaning.  You know, right now I don't want to. 

I haven't been stitching, been too busy cleaning. Soon I'll stitch again.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hoe Prairie Schooler for Lily

I completely forgot to post the HoE Prairie Schooler ornament I made for Lily.  She received it and said she liked it.  I like this little design and have stitched it a couple of times. 

Well, I am in the process of my annual "before the big trip" clean fest.  Being a year older has it's disadvantages.  I poop out alot faster.  I am making some progress though.  My church is having a garage sale in June, so I am also donating alot of my treasures to the cause.  I'm tired of dusting around "things", so out they go. 

I've been awake since around 1:00 this morning.  Now I am getting sleepy at the time I need to be getting up!   Guess I had cleaning on my mind! Gotta get it done. Not really. 

We've been having really cool weather this week.  Maybe summer won't get here too fast.

Off for a small nap.  Enjoy your day.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

HoE Prairie Schooler from Ellen

Ellen gifted me this dapper fellow for her HoE Prairie Schooler exchange piece.  Stitchers who know me, well know that I do love Prairie Schooler.  Ellen said he is the Nutcracker from PS's Mini Card Series.  She also included some lovely cotton trims, of which I can certainly use.  Thank you so much Ellen.  He is very welcome into my home!

I haven't done much on the stitching front this week.  You know how it goes, sometimes you just don't have the oompf to pick up a heavy needle! LOL!

My cousin and his wife from Alaska have been visiting my mom, so I've been spending time with them.  They are getting me all excited about my Alaskan cruise next month.  They live near Ketchikan and are going to meet me there when the ship docks.  I'll be getting a personal tour of the town and area.  I have another cousin in Juneau.  She is meeting me at the ship there and going to give me a tour of that area.  What a fantastic way to see two towns.

Guess I'd best get my day started.  Have a great Thursday.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Birthday wishes for my Sister

Today is my middle sister's birthday.  I stitched up this little design to mark the occasion.  It's an adaption of The Sampler Girl's design "Oh Mother Dear Cupboard Sampler."  I used a 32ct natural linen and the DMC optional threads since I didn't have any of the called for threads.  I happened on the keys at Michaels the other day, so I bought them.  I think it turned out great.  Oh, and Happy Birthday Terresa!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring exchange from Julianne

I received this little bunny egg from Julianne yesterday.  We met through an exchange group and have become stitching  buddies.  She always seems to know what I'm thinking about stitching for myself when we do our private exchanges.  This design is from Prairie Schooler's "Just Hatched".  Thanks so much "J".  I love it!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Now I ask, how can one little letter be the bane of frustration?  Today an X was not my friend and called many frogs.  I think I stitched that letter three or four times.  Oh, the eyes aren't what they used to be.

I heard from my stitching friend Julianne that she got my Spring exchange I sent.  It is a Beth Twist design from the latest Gift of Stitching magazine.  Here's my interpretation:
Julianne said it reminded her of spring, so I accomplished my goal.  That's the fabric I backed it with.  I wish I could master the art of bows.  I used the charted threads and used an opalescent fabric that had a hint of blue violet to it.  I think it was 28ct, but I don't remember.

Have one more exchange to finish tomorrow.  I know how I'm going to do it too!  Guess it's time to test the bed.  See ya tomorrow.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Winter Seasonal from Gaby

Here's the Winter Seasonal exchange I received from Gaby today.  This is a restitch by her.  The first one went missing in the German Postal System.  She also included some cute little green hearts in the package.  It was worth the wait, and I thank Gaby  doubly for the extra stitching she had to do.

The rains, they have come.  My drainage ditch is getting full, but the rain has been sporadic, so it isn't filling very fast.  I'll have to check it out first thing tomorrow.

No stitching tonight.  I worked on a private exchange piece.  It is finished, but it did not turn out at all like I hoped.  Now I don't know what to do.  I'll take a photo and see how it looks.  I may be surprised!

Good night all.

BBD's Quaker Garden Update

 March 19, 2012
Here's my progress I've made since March 15th.  I had to switch my frame because the other was causing discomfort in my neck and arms.  Can't have discomfort when I'm stitching! 

We are gearing up for some major rain this week.  Even talk of flash flooding.  Tonight I am going to get all my STASH up off the floor and maybe move it to my van.  The drainage ditch next to my place really overflows into my yard.  It has never reached the house, but come with in a foot or two.  Don't want to loose any of my stuff.  Oh, now, I know my friends who know me well are saying, "She'll never get all of that in the van."  They are right, but I can get my good stuff in there!

It is so humid today.  I hate humidity.  Better call the a/c tech and have it serviced.  I'm about ready to turn it on!

Hope everybody has a great day.  Gee, I believe I just heard thunder.

Friday, March 16, 2012

BBD's Quaker Garden

Here's the progress I made last night before I had to get some shut-eye.  I know I'm gonna love stitching this one.  There's not too many color changes!
Started March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Summer in OK

We haven't had any winter so to speak, and spring has leaped right into summer her.  84 degrees today.  Now that is just too warm for winter as far as I'm concerned.  I believe we are to get some rain in the next few days.  Oh, if it would cool us down just a little.

I have been stitching alot this past month and a half.  I took two finished pieces to the framer yesterday.  I am anxious to see how they turn out.  Nothing fancy, but it still cost a bunch.  Well, stitching is my vice, so it comes with the territory.

Chose my next large piece to stitch.  It's BBD's Quaker Garden.  I have all the materials since I ordered them through a Loose Feathers automatic.  I'm not crazy about the fabric, but it will soften up once I mangle it into a frame!

I also finished two exchange pieces this week.  I just have to ornamentalize one of them and pillow the other.  Looking forward to see how the pillow turns out.  I even made a trip to Tulsa to pick up items to finish it with.

Guess I'll go hunt an appropriate frame for the BBD piece and get in a couple of stitches tonight.

Have a great day Friday.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A giftie from BeckySC

The mailman brought me this little pretty a couple of days ago. My dear stitching friend Becky sent it. I love Blackbird Designs, so of course, I love this pincushion. I don't remember how I happened upon Becky's blog several years ago, but I am so glad I did. She introduced me to the world of exchanging. Thank you Becky dear, for this gift of friendship and the world of blogging and exchanging!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stitch Red for Wendy Jo

Wendy Jo let me know she received my Stitch Red exchange piece for our Friends Through Thread group.  I stitched French Square by Scissortail Designs, using 36ct opalescent fabric and Threadworkx 1089.  Here it is a bit fuzzy:
Wendy Jo has much better photos on her blog.  She also has included a snap of the backing I used, which I forgot to take a photo of.

Quite an exciting evening in the post-surgery convalescent homes.  Mother started experiencing pain in her leg, so a call was made to the home health provider.  After a phone call to her doctor, we think it is a pinched nerve.  My brother in law had to go to the ER with his knee.  It had become inflamed, so they did an ultrasound and determined there was no blood clot.  My niece, got very ill.  They determined it was the antibiotic which was causing her discomfort.  I believe I will strive to stay healthy.  Being sick and recovering from surgery is the pits.

Have a good evening.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Meet my new best friend

This little gadget, one of my many, has been waiting patiently to be put to use. Oh my, it did the trick for me while stitching on a WIP. I carried BBD's Winter Wonderland to the hospital with me this last week. My Mighty Bright allowed me to stitch late into the night. When I needed the extra magnification for tired eye stitching it was at hand, as was the extra little bit of light. Needless to say, this is one stitching gadget that will go on my bus trips with me. " I am in no way employed by the Mighty Bright corporation, this is my personal endorsement." LOL!!

My sister and I brought Mother home from the hospital yesterday after a horrible night. If you ever hear Miralax and recovering 90 year old surgery patient in the same sentence, then run, don't walk, to the nearest complaint station. Awful, awful situation for both the patient and relatives staying with her.

My youngest sister made some out-a-site chicken noodle soup last night thinking it would be good for Mother. Then we re-read the discharge papers. Clear liquid diet. So, making my second trip to the dreaded WM, I purchase clear liquid diet meal ingredients.

Needless to say, there is no place like home. I slept quite well in my humble and somewhat cluttered surroundings. Sister reported Mother was up early this morning getting ready to take her meds.

The weather is cool and dreary today in my part of Oklahoma. Who's complaining?, certainly not this stitcher. What more could I ask for? a great stitching day and a hot bowl of home-made chicken soup for lunch. Well, if I could throw in a good college football game....Yeah.

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are.
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