Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Two exchange pieces received

 I received the Halloween pillow from Margaret C.  It is part of the HoE Halloween Tree exchange.  It will be a year long exchange.  Margaret says the design is a freebie from Farmhouse Not Forgotten.  She stitched it on Doubloon and used miscellaneous GAST threads.  Isn't the jack-o-lantern a real cutie.  I really like the design. 

The tree is from my friend Marie P.  We have stitched for each other in many exchanges.  This exchange was part of the HoE Stitcher's Choice Christmas ornament round.  It is a Prairie Schooler design, O Christmas Tree from book #188.  I love PS designs, so she "did good"!

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

He's Here!!

I was one of the last in the group to receive my HoE Prairie Schooler ornament.  I must say, he is certainly one worth waiting for.  Mylene is an expert finisher.  I hate her...no not really!  I should say I am so envious of her perfectly finished corners.  How does she do it?  Corners, always have been, always will be a mystery to me.  Thank you Mylene.  I do love the little fellow.

Friday, August 9, 2013

HoE Prairie Schooler Exchange

Leigh e-mailed she had received her exchange piece from me.  I was really early in sending it, but since I finished it, I decided she should have it.  I used the called for supplies from the new leaflet, Nordic Holiday.  About halfway through stitching the design, I thought to myself, that sure doesn't look like a reindeer.  I planned on stitching the reindeer.  How in the world I confused the two designs is beyond me.  Oh, well, I decided I like the horse, so I sent it. This was the first time I  used the felt finishing called for.  I think I like it.   

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Giftie for my friend Joan

Better late than never, right?  I delivered this little pillow to my friend Joan on Sunday.  It was only 16 days late for her birthday, but I did at least get it to her in her birth month.  She was thrilled with it.  I forgot to take a photo of the back with the   our names and the date.  Her birthday is July 5th.  She loves the little Christmas ornaments I make her so I kept going back and forth between Christmas and Patriotic.  I'm glad I chose patriotic.  It will go nicely with her other little pillows.  The design is from The Prairie Schooler leaflet Stars and Stripes.  Now I want one for myself!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

HoE Stitcher's Choice Ornament from Lynn

Here's Sir Tobias, my hand delivered HOE Stitcher's Choice ornament.  My best stitchin' buddy, Lynn had my name.  She stitched the kitty to look like my grey tabbie.  Isn't it cute?  I sure love it.  It is from the 2002 JCS Christmas issue.  I completely forgot to ask who the designer is. I have the issue some where, and can look it up.  Lynn made some modifications to reflect my favorite color and Tobie's coat. Both of us have said many times that we wanted to stitch this design.  She made good on it.  Thank you Lynn. Of course, I love it!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy 4th

I received this wonderful exchange yesterday from my stitching friend Julianne.  I absolutely love it.  In my thank you to her I pointed out that I had moved this design to the front of my Prairie Schooler stash to stitch.  Isn't it great that like minds...well, she may not think like me, but her stitching is impeccable.  One of my favorite stitching subjects is patriotic designs, and PS is one of my favorite designers.  Yeah, Julianne.  You did good!  Thank you so much.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

HoE Stitcher's Choice and Patriotic Exchange

Here's my latest exchange piece.  It was for the HoE Stitcher's Choice ornament.  I chose it to stitch mainly for the Rhode's Square.  I really enjoy stitching them.  The design is Christmas Rondell by Janie Hubble of the Cat's Whiskers Design Studio.  I think it turned out quite nice.  Nancy said she loved it.

Julianne and I decided to do a patriotic exchange.  Here's what I stitched for her.  It is the Patriotic Tree by The Trilogy.  My friend Mary Ann stitched it and as soon as I saw hers I knew I wanted to do it for Julianne.  She has received it.  I finished it as a very simple pillow in keeping with the early needlework.  She said she liked it.  I'm glad.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lizzie Kate Exchange from Karen

I received this exchange from Karen in Australia while on my bus trip to New Orleans so I'm a bit slow in posting.  Thanks Karen, I love him.  My partner has received her exchange piece but has not posted the photo to the Exchange.  I forgot to take a photo, so I cannot show you what I stitched for her.  Maybe she will at a later date.

The trip to NOLA was fun and wet.  It rained on us most of the time.  A little rain did not dampen our spirits though.  Did a few of the NOLA things to do.  Will post them at a later date.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

HoE Spring Exchange Received

I received this beauty in the mail yesterday.  It is from Marie P., a very accomplished stitcher and finisher.  It is done in some of my favorite color combinations too!  Needless to say I absolutely love it.  Marie took pity on me and became my mercy stitcher as my partner has gone missing.  I can't wait to fill it with some needles and threads and scissors.  Oh my, now what project can I start that will use my new stitcher's pouch?  I bet I can think of something. Thank you so much Marie!

We had quite a bit of weather in OK last night.  Evidently I slept through it which is unusual because I don't sleep well.  It must have rained pretty hard.  The ditches beside my place are full of water, and I can see how high the water rose in the yard.  One plus, it is cool this morn.  I know lots of folks are ready for warm weather.  I am not one of them.  Cool weather is my preference. 

Guess I'll get my day started.  Marie, I'm sipping on a cup of Community Coffee!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hoe Spring Exchange Received by Amy

I read that Amy received her Hoe Exchange piece from me today.  I chose to stitch primitivebettys "Tulip Time".  I think this design is so cute.  I used DMC threads and a 28ct cashel linen called Provence Lavender.  I ruched some ribbon for the trim.  First time I have ever done a larger piece with the ruched trim.  I think it turned out great.  Amy reported that she is recovering from surgery, so Get Well Soon!

Monday, March 11, 2013

St. Patrick's Mini Cat

I just love the little mini cat's that Lynn B designs.  Here's my latest from her.  St. Patrick's is one of my favorite stitching holiday theme's so I jumped at stitching this one. 

It took me a little longer than it should have.  Seems Oklahoma has been beset by allergy season plus I've had a head cold.  Both have caused my eyes to water thus hampering my stitching! 

I must get busy though.  The frogs hit my latest St. Patrick's stitch, so I've got to rip it, rip it.  Not much time left to finish it.  Plus, I made so very little progress on my SAL with Julianne.  Bzy, Bzy, what's a stitcher to do?

Have a great day.  Tomorrow I will get some stitching in.  I'll be in Tulsa getting my van serviced.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Valentine Exchange from Julianne and more

Greetings on this cold, raining Monday morning.  Such a great day for stitching, which I plan to do very soon. Tomorrow should be interesting also.  We are supposed to have a little snow.

I received my Valentine from Julianne last week.  She stitched a Prairie Schooler design for me.  She bought the trim while she was in New York.  It is so much fun to receive a stitched piece from a friend.  Thank you J., I have it on my stitching shelf where I can see it.

We decided to do a SAL of the ornament "Night Before Christmas" by Birds of a Feather from the 1998 Ornament issue.  I've robbed, exchanged and improvised for all the thread colors.  I'm sure it will look great when I get it stitched.  I've never stitched a BOF design for me, so this ornie will constitute two firsts.  It's my first SAL too.

I'm a great lover of anything St. Patrick's related.  I ordered iStitch Designs "Sew Irish".  Pulled the threads for it last night also.  Once I cut the fabric for it, I'll begin.

Saturday I put the finishing touches in "March" of LHN Months of the Year series. It has shamrocks in it, so loved stitching it.

Guess I had better get busy. Lots to do before I head off to work this afternoon.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentine Finishes

 Julianne and I decided to exchange valentine pieces this year.  This is what I chose to stitch for her.  That little bird just spoke to me.  I know that the package has been delivered, but I haven't heard from her.  She was out of the country last week, so she may still be.  I hope she likes what I stitched for her.
I'm not one to stitch Valentines for myself, but the B and V in this piece really struck my fancy, so I had to stitch it.  The finishing took me most of the day today.  I could not get a handle on piecing it together.  It happens when you start to age! LOL!  But, I did finally get it stitched together.  I like it very much.

Both designs are freebies.  I am sorry to say I did not make a notation of who the designers are.  ***edited*** Be My Valentine is a primitivebetty's design.  On Julianne's I used Cupid thread and on mine I used Buckeye Scarlet.  Both were stitched on opalescent white 32ct fabric.

Well, tomorrow nite is the Super Bowl. I don't have a favorite team in this contest, but I am drawn to that kid QB Kaepernick from San Francisco.  May the best team win. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Last finishes of 2012 and First of 2013

 This teeny ornament was my very last finish of 2013.  It is primitivebettys "A child is born done over 1.  It was so tiny I almost didn't get it turned inside out!  I love this little design so much that I stitched it more than once.
Yes, I stitched this design about six times this year!  Decided I needed one for myself.  This kitty is so darned cute.  My great-niece Delaynie loved her ornament of the design I made for her.  She's a big fan of Santa hats, so she was pleased.
My first finish of 2013 is Plum Street Samplers, Maxim and Zoya.  I put it away to work on ornaments and exchanges.  There wasn't too much stitching that was left.  I'm thinking I need to change the date in the right hand corner.  I'll think on it a while but will definitely make a decision before I take it to be framed.

The copyright date on this LHN design is 2009, so it had been sitting in the WIP/UFO basket awhile.  Can you believe there were about 11 stitches left on this one?  Wonder why I didn't finish stitching it?  Oh well, it is done.  I will finish-finish it before the month is over! LOL.

We have a chance of light snow flurries today.  That means it's going to be cold and overcast.  Love it, love it.  Why, you ask?  Great day to stay in and stitch!!  That's exactly what I intend to do.  Oh, and watch me some FOOTBALL too.  Near as I can figure I have four games today.  Oh, what's a girl to do?  The season is rapidly coming to an end. Ah, but never fear, Downton Abby starts Sunday!!!

Have a great weekend.

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