I thought I'd try my hand at putting together a couple of humbug ornaments. The design I chose if from the 2010 December issue of The Gift of Stitching. When I started the project, I thought I wasn't going to like them, but, they rank right up there with my love of biscornu stitching. So, here's my foray into the world of humbugs. The ornaments are for my great-nieces that live in Kansas. If I can get my self in gear, I might make it to the PO to mail them tomorrow. If not, then I'll have to wait until Monday. Either way, I'm sending them to their Nana's house so they will have them on Christmas. I stitched them with good ole DMC in their favorite colors. So, here they are:
Well, my friend It's Daffycat has done it again. She's gifted us with another
reindeer freebie. I have already printed it off and hope to stitch it this weekend for my great-nephew. I stitched Daffy's first reindeer for him last year. I'm also working on another of the humbugs for my youngest great-niece. They are such fun.
Guess I'll go stitch some more.