Saturday, July 30, 2011

Latest Project Update

I have been stitching! and enjoying it too.  Spent most of the day working on BBD's Winter Wonderland.  Here's my progress:

I was happy to get that roof finished.  So, onward and downward on the design.  Hopefully I will get it finished in time to have it framed for Christmas!

I sent off my latest exchange piece.  I'll show it to you now, I just won't tell you who I stitched it for.  It's Lizzie Kates' Sampling Christmas.  I used the recommended thread and a 32ct opalescent fabric.  I enjoy stitiching these little samplers. I do not understand why the bottom right hand corner of all my pillows are more pointed than the the other corners.  I wonder what I could be doing that causes this.
It rained in OK this afternoon.  Sorry to say it did not amount to much, and managed to make the weather more humid.  Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  I believe I'll work on a small Christmas project.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Great giveaway

Gabi of Lady of the Floss is having a giveaway for her blogaversary.  Hop on over and take a look!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Latest project

Here's my latest project start.  It's a Blackbird Designs Loose Feathers Winter Wonderland.  So far I am loving working on it.  I started it on June 25th.  It was an easy choice since I had ordered the fabric and thread with the pattern. I think y progress is pretty good since I am a slow stitcher.   Oh, I know my fabric looks like heck.  I'm trying to use a hoop since I have to get the stitching up close to see it.  Stitching in hand now causes my left hand to hurt.  The miseries of aging!  Happy 4th of July Stitching!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Here's my latest finish. It's a birthday gift for my stitching, traveling, and Weight Watcher friend Lynn. It's Blackbird Design's "Bird in Hand" on 28ct mystery linen and stitched with GA's Black Crow. At first I stuffed it with ground walnut shells and lavender, but the gws made it too heavy. So, I took them out and use fiberfill instead with much better results. Since I took a hiatus from stitching, I could not remember how to do the pillow! If you don't use it, you lose it for sure. I spend a good portion of the morning trying to make the hanger. Again, I couldn't remember how to do it. All in all, even with my memory lapses, I believe the pillow turned out quite nice.

We are suffering from a heat wave here in OK, along with several other states. Yesterday when I left from work, the temp inside my van was 110! Much too hot for this old gal to be out in.

Luckily, I've found my stitching mojo. I've been working on a BBD Loose Feathers I've had for a while. It is coming along and I'm enjoying stitching on it.

Hope all who stop by this blog have a cool and safe 4th of July!

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