Gee it's been a long time since I last posted. My part-time job and a bout of allergy eyes have limited my stitching. I did manage to complete my HoE Halloween exchange and get it mailed. Here's what I stitched. It's the October Primitive Floss Tag from The Needle's Content. I used the recommended fibers and a 32ct fabric. I love these floss tags and have stitched several of them. Also included in the exchange was a Halloween scissor fob from Monique of My Mark. Monique designs some really fabulous scissor fobs. I don't think my partner reads my blog, so I'm posting it now.
I leave tomorrow on my nine day New England bus trip. I'm really looking forward to it, especially seeing Niagara Falls, Vermont, and New Hampshire. The weather doesn't look too promising, however. The extended forecast call for rain. "Oh well", as my good friend likes to say, I've been rained on before, and I do dry out!
See ya when I return.