Sunday, December 28, 2008

More giftie ornaments

Here's more of the ornaments I stitched. The first one is a Helga Mandl freebie design. I've done two of them, but forgot to get a photo of the first one. The others are some of my smalls. I was experimenting, and didn't get all of them right. But that's what makes them mine and home made. They were fun, and the recipients seemed delighted to receive them. That's what makes it worthwhile.

Merry 4th day of Christmas. Have a great week. Tomorrow, three of my friends and I are taking a day trip to Grove, OK. It's a really neat lakeside town with lots of great specialty shops.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ornaments given as gifts

Here's my primitive Christmas ornaments for this year. I'm quite taken by this form of stitching, so I chose it for theme for 20008. The designers are: Stacy Nash Primitives, Heartstring Primitives, The Sampler Girl, and Primitive Betty's. I'll post photos of my other ornies tomorrow.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Exchange from Julianne

My mail box was full of Christmas joy via Julianne. Here is the Winter Exchange piece for the Seasonal Exchange BB. Isn't it a great little ornie? She included two of my favorite subjects, reindeer and funky trees. Thank you so much Julianne. I love it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another small finish for me

Here's a small finish I completed tonight. It's the Stag Ornament Pinkeep from Stacy Nash's A Simply Early Christmas. I have just discovered this type of stitching and have found I really do like it. Reindeer, stags, etc. are favorite animals of mine. I love the antlers on them.

Have a great evening/morning of stitching.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

PS Button UP Snow Angel for Julianne

Julianne notified me she received the Winter installment of the Seasonal Exchange BB I stitched for her. I chose her favorite from the Prairie Schooler Button Up leaflet. We decided we would exchange ornaments with no goodies included. I borrowed Julianne's photos. They looked so good on the red background, I couldn't resist them.
I purchased a metal Christmas tree to display my hand made ornaments on from my friend Mary Ann. This ornie was hanging on the tree waiting for me to mail it. One evening I saw it go airborne. My Tobie cat thought it was a great toy to toss around. Luckily it didn't suffer from any "paw prints."
I've been busy stitching gifts this week. None to show as they are not finish-finished. They will be soon though.
Enjoy the weekend. Go Sooners, even though I am an Ok-State die hard. Have to be loyal to the state.
Happy stitching.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

SBEBB Reindeer Games for Cathy

Cathy has received the Reindeer Games exchange I sent her. The design is Dash Away All, by Tanya of The Sampler Girl. I fell for this design when I saw it. For the finishing I hand stitched all of it, and then gave it a little crumple to make it appear more primitive. Cathy has a great close up of it on her blog. I also included a reindeer ornament, ribbon, cocoa, and a chart off of her wish list. This was a run stitch. Cathy says she loves it, and I have to admit, so do I.

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