Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just look what

was waiting at the post office today. My HoE scissor fob from Rita made it's trek all the way from Budapest. This is my first exchange from so far away. Oh, my, it was worth waiting for. I love it all. Look closely at the cording. It is most unusual and really sets the fob off. Also in the exchange was some fabric, thread, soap, chocolates, and cat buttons. The fob has an autumn setting which just happens to be my favorite season. Thank you so much Rita.
I'm still stitching on my Spring Quaker. It was taking more thread than I thought, so ran into the LNS and bought another card.

It's been slow at the Humane Society this week. The weekend, however, was another story. We had an open house/bake sale. Eight cats and dogs were adopted. That is very good for us.

Have a good stitching evening.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Out Bid

I thought I had found me a copy of Prairie Schooler's Christmas Alphabet on e-bay, but I got out bid once again. It went for $29.90. That's a bit out of my bid range. Haven't been able to locate a copy of the Garden Alphabet. Oh, well, that's the way it goes.

Currently working on my Spring Quaker exchange, so no photos to show. Hoping to be able to show you my HoE scissor fob. I understand it has quite a distance to travel, so I'm being anxiously patient.

I signed up for the HoE biscornu exchange also. They are so much fun, and I've already picked out my pattern to use. I'll start on it in a week or so.

Hope everyone has a good stitching week.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fob sent to and received by Deanne

I read on the HOE blog that Deanne received her scissor fob exchange from me. Here it is. I hope she likes it. In my haste I forgot to take photos of the goodies. Hopefully she will include them on her blog.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sales and Game

I haven't stitched in a couple of days, so I missed the deadline for getting my Winter Sampler framed. Such is the stitching life, as real life gets in the way sometimes.

Friends Lynn, Diane and I travelled to Tulsa Saturday to hit the LNSs and their sales. I bought a few charts and fibers at the Silver Needle, and a new lamp also. Across the street at the Stitchworks I bought mostly fibers and entered an hourly drawing. As luck would have it, my name was drawn. From the three choices, I took the 6" Q snaps. One can never have enough Q snaps.

I've read on others blogs where they've met fellow bloggers thinking it would never happen to me. Well, it has. Mary, who lives in Tulsa, contacted me about meeting. We met at the Silver Needle, did our shopping at both stores, then traveled to a very tasty Mexican restaurant for lunch and a long visit. I must say, it was a great day. Mary is fun. Everyone enjoyed meeting her, and we all agreed we needed to do it again. We even may meet at a stitching weekend if possible. Stitchers are great folk.

Had to take a small break to watch the last 55 seconds of the Super Bowl. I didn't have a favorite team, however, I am a fan of the Manning boys. So...

I chose the threads I'm going to use for the Spring Quaker Exchange and cut & prepared the fabric. I bought several skeins of different colors, not knowing exactly what I wanted to use. So, if I don't like the way it's beginning to look, I'll start with another skein.

Hope everyone has a good stitching week.

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