Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Stormy Weather and a finish

No stitching to show although I am getting close to finishing a piece. (Finished! scroll down toward end of this post.)

We're having a thunderstorm right now. Wouldn't you know it rains right after I get my lawn mowed. Happens every time.

Sad day for me at the humane society. My Tess got adopted. She went to a good home with another cat to play with so guess I can't be too unhappy. She was such a pretty cat. I know there will be another to take her place soon.

Tobie, my cat, got his nails clipped this morning. He wasn't very happy with me, but Peggy, another volunteer, got them done before he really knew what was going on. He won't be scratching me for a while.

Potluck at church tonight and I have no idea what I'm going to take. I'm not much on cooking, so it will have to be something simple.

Guess I'll go put my biscornu together since there's no tv to watch with the storm passing through. Later...

My first ever biscornu finish. I can see why so many of you are addicted to them. I had fun putting it together. I need more practice, but for the first one I'm ok with it. I used my favorite color purple. It's really more vibrant IRL, but as I've said before, I'm no photographer. I also think I need a little more padding. That's what a practice piece is for.

Thanks for reading my blog.


Dawn T. said...

I hope the storms aren't too bad. I am looking forward to seeing your biscornu:)

Lelia said...

very nice biscornu : )

Sharon said...

Your biscornu turned out great! congrats.

Beatrice said...

It sounds like you are having bad weather. Isn't it hard to stitch when the power goes out. I can't see much with out my OTT.

old eyes!

Love the biscornu..So far so good!!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Your biscornu is beautiful!

Hazel said...

We have some torrential rain here too right now! Love the biscornu - I love purple. Great exchanges btw. I am doing my first one too. About to send it off this week. xx

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