Tuesday, April 6, 2010

RAK from It's Daffycat

What a surprise I had in my mail box today. Sharon of It's Daffycat gifted me with this darling little pin pillow. It's stuffed with ground walnut shells and lavender. I saw this on her blog last night and thought to myself what a lucky person who's going to receive her stitching. My photo does not do it justice. All I can say is thank you so much Sharon. I love it!


Lisa S said...

That is just gorgeous Becky!! I bet it smells heavenly!
Lucky you and how wonderful of Sharon to send it to you :)


Berit said...

Thanks for sharing more photos of this beauty! I <3 it! :D

Brigitte said...

This is a wonderful little piece. I had just admired it on Becky's blog, and now I see that you are the lucky stitcher who received it. Enjoy!

Hazel said...

Ahhhh you got the gorgeous strawberry hey?? You lucky thing! xx

Patty C. said...

Lovely gift
I'm glad such a wonderful blogger received this from Sharon !!!!!

Take Care

Andrea said...

A sweet little pillow.

Daffycat said...

You are welcome, Becky! I'm so glad you liked it!


mainely stitching said...

That's so pretty!! WOW!

Caitlin D said...

I am impressed by the thoughtful detail of using ground walnut shells for stuffing.

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